Removable Adapter (for Loop Mount)
- Free worldwide shipping over $65 / €60 / £50
This adapter gives even more choice on where to fit your Loop Mount. It can be removed quickly to take it off when not needed, or switch between bikes. It also enables it to be fitted easily onto stems, square bars or other unusual setups. This adapter is designed for larger bars and can feel loose on slimline 22.2mm 7/8” bars.
Make sure to pair the Removable Adapter with your Loop Mount.
Loop Mount is sold separately.
- Elastomer Band x1
- Oversize Shim x1
- Hook x1
- Screws for Loop (2021+) x2
- Screws for Loop (2020) x2
Most customers will use the (2021+) screws.
(Loop Mount Sold Separately)
We offer free worldwide shipping for orders over $65 / €60 / £50
Orders less than this will have a small delivery charge.
Transit Times
UK, EU & US WAREHOUSE - 2-5 Business days
If your order is in stock in our EU, US or UK warehouses delivery will be 2-5 days to those territories
If your order is only in stock in our international warehouse - or if you are outside the EU/US/UK - delivery will take a little longer.
ISRAEL / KOREA / JAPAN / SINGAPORE - 2-4 Weeks - We are working hard on a faster solution for these regions. Apologies for the inconvenience.
You will be informed at checkout which warehouse your items will be shipped from. This will be the closest warehouse if stock is available.